
Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Berated at Baranovichi

Allen King and I played this scenario from Onslaught to Orsha. I attacked with the Russians, pushing hard around both sides of the graveyard. Allen missed a key 3-hex Psk shot on my ISU-122, and that opened up my left flank. His 75L AT gun was also on that side, but failed to slow me down as I went around the corner. On the right flank, he nailed a T34 with a PF, then started a quick withdrawal.

After 3 turns he had pulled back most of his forces, trying to get back to the factory. I pushed hard on turn 4 to interupt his plans. I had a few squads break as I crossed the open areas, but there were more than enough units to get the job done. A 1 sniper and Allen's FPF sealed his fate on my right side, and the Russians settled in for a final shoot-out.

Allen made a desperate push to get his key units to the factory, but the Russian defensive fire made some key rolls that led to ultimate demise.

We both agree that this should be winnable by the Germans, but they have a hard time dealing with the armor. They have powerful AT weapons, but their brittle ELR leaves them little chance to stand and fight for long.

Give this one a play sometime. It's another Chas Smith classic.


Blogger Todd Wiley said...

Hey, an ASL Blog! Excellent. I'll keep an eye on this one, certainly.

5:41 AM  

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